LAND ensures that people with neurodevelopmental disabilities have full access to services that can assist them in independent living, transition to employment, academic interventions, opportunity for social interactions, overall improved mental health and well-being throughout the lifespan.
Advocate for system-level changes, policies, and practices to improve the lives of individuals living with neurodevelopmental disabilities across the lifespan using a consistent, cross-systems framework that promotes universal screening, evidence-based practice, family focus, and peer support.
All individuals and families impacted by a broad range of neurodevelopmental disabilities can easily obtain the integrated services and community supports they require to reach their fullest potential.
Stacy Morgan, Executive Director, Mental Health Transformation Alliance (MHTA)
Elizabeth Field, Program Director, Leadership Alliance for Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LAND)
Ann Rodriguez, Family Advocate
Sarah Potter, Family Advocate
Cheryl Powell, BSW QIDP, Self-Advocate
Kenneth Kelty, Self-Advocate
Lisa Sullivan, Family Support Director, First In Families of NC / Family Advocate
Jessica Aguilar, Grupo Poder y Esperanza
Joanne Scaturro, Retired Agency Advocate
Sonja Frison, Ph.D., MHP, Psychological Program Manager/Juvenile Detention
Clinical Services and Programs, NC DPS-Division of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Linda K Fields, Director, Cares Program, UNC-Chapel Hill School of Social Work
LAND will lead a groundbreaking initiative to develop and carry out a coordinated approach to positively impact the Medicaid Innovations Waiver waiting list in North Carolina.
Funded by the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities, Meet the Need NC is a project of the Leadership Alliance for Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LAND) program of Mental Health Transformation Alliance (MHTA). For year 1 of the initiative, a 30+ person Advisory Council was established, bringing together agency leaders, family advocates, individuals with I/DD, research teams, and community organizations to establish a common agenda for the four-year grant. The unified focus of Meet the Need NC is to impact systemic change for meeting the service and support needs of the I/DD Community in North Carolina.
Donations and/or Sponsorships to LAND will support: Accommodations (sign language & Spanish interpretation), Marketing, Engagement of individuals with Lived Experience & System change events. Scan above or click the link below to donate.
Donations and/or Sponsorships to LAND will support: Accommodations (sign language & Spanish interpretation), Marketing, Engagement of individuals with Lived Experience & System change events. Scan above or click the link below to become a sponsor.
It is never too late or early to think intentionally about the steps to be put in place now, to prepare for you or your loved one to live in the community or at home if that is your choice. If you or a loved one suspect or have been diagnosed with I/DD, we welcome to join us on the Innovations Waiver Pathway.
Follow along on the Innovations Waiver Pathway to learn the basics about how you can prepare to get services for you or a family member who has an intellectual or other developmental disability (I/DD) and what to expect as you go through the process.
After you complete the Pathway, learn tips and important things you can do while you wait for Innovations Waiver services.
Don’t delay – get started today! Discover the Innovations Waiver Pathway to find your path to getting services!
Disclaimer: The information provided in the Innovations Waiver Pathway is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice or guidance. It is important to acknowledge that there are many ways to reach a desired outcome, and the methods, strategies, and approaches discussed may not be suitable for every individual or situation. As systems change so will the resources in this Pathway.
Use this checklist to discover the things you can do while you wait for a slot for the Innovations Waiver. You can use this with the Innovations Waiver Pathway or on its own. These tips are from others who have already traveled the trail before you.
This project was supported, in part by grant number 2301NCSCDD ($2,160,620.00), from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.