Stacy Morgan is the parent of an adoptive child and young adults with special needs and a consumer supporter/advocate with over 20 years of opportunities to participate in the planning, development, and implementation of services for populations with special needs, especially in the arena of mental health and disabilities. She is also the kinship caretaker of her 10-year-old cousin who experienced traumatic events and continues to navigate the mental health and foster care systems. She has served as a consultant for various programs and organizations, facilitating partnerships between families and community stakeholders to develop family and consumer centered/driven and culturally competent initiatives, services, and policies for children, youth, and adults with special needs. During this time, she served as a consultant to two National TA Center’s focused on expanding the capacity of family and consumer run organizations serving children and youth with mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Ms. Morgan served as a program director and directed the FL Statewide Family Network for 12 years. She also assisted in the development and implemented Florida’s statewide family provider program for their Title V/CYSHCN Program; training, supervising, and evaluating up to 23 Family Health Partners within 19 regional clinics and programs. Ms. Morgan was also, contracted as a Family Partner Coordinator with NC Families United on the SOC Expansion grant project focusing on developing a comprehensive, strategic plan to expand System of Care philosophy and infrastructure, increase engagement within the local and regional collaborative(s), building and maintaining partnerships with community and state partners and evaluating the System of Care process and outcomes within the Eastpointe catchment area. She has also served as the Family Co-Chair of the NC Collaborative for Children, Youth and Families and Associate Director of NC Families United. Currently, Ms. Morgan serves as the Executive Director of the Mental Health Transformation Alliance and Coordinator of the Family and Youth Center of Excellence” Authentic Voices”. She also, participates in multiple community councils and partnerships and serves as the Family Co-Chair for the NC Collaborative for Children, Youth and Families Policy & Research Workgroup
Diane Coffey has a lifetime of experience with personal family members with disabilities. She has been a foster mom and then an adoptive mom of two children with disabilities and mental health challenges. She has worked with families in NC for 10+ years, helping them navigate the systems that serve them. She also supports and partners with many agencies across the state. Diane is the Acting family co-chair of the NC Collaborative for Children, Youth & Families School-Based Mental Health sub-committee. She is also on the Advisory Council of LAND, sits as Chair of the DPI Council on Educational Services for Exceptional Children and one of 24 on the Parent Engagement Committee for Center for Safer Schools. When working/partnering at the state level she works hard to bring the family voice and build partnerships to improve all services children/youth and adults receive.
Elizabeth Field is the mother of an adult child with neurodevelopmental disabilities. Beth has been actively involved with family support initiatives as a volunteer for the past 15 years. In 2019, she formed LAND to meet the needs of those with I/DD and their families, especially during times of transition. In October 2021, LAND was awarded a four-year grant from the North Carolina Council for Developmental Disabilities (NCCDD). She is also Family Co-Chair for the NC Collaborative for Children, Youth and Families. Beth is on its Executive Committee. In 2017, Beth co-founded NCFASD Informed, a 501c3 with the mission to improve the lives of those impacted by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in North Carolina. Beth has a Master of Science degree in Communication Management from the Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. She has 30+ years of strategic communications and marketing experience, representing public and private organizations.